The media production industry is allowed to reopen after several months with certain restrictions, announced the Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar on Sunday. The standard operating procedure (SOP) for the industry was released by him which includes proper sanitisation, crowd management, and provision for protective equipment.
“Social distancing and masks will be an integral part of this SOP. The general principle behind the Standard Operating Procedure would help create a safe working environment for both the cast and the crew,” Javadekar said.
The Minister added that the core principle of this SOP is ‘contact minimisation’.
He tweeted, “Contact Minimisation’ is at the core of the SOP. This will be ensured by minimal physical contact and sharing of props, PPEs for hair stylists and make-up artists among others.”
According to the SOP released by the government, a strict physical distancing of six feet shall be adhered to at shoot locations, recording studios, and editing rooms etc. The SOP also suggests that minimum cast and crew shall be present during the shoots.
The SOPalso suggests that sharing of costumes, props, wigs, makeup, etc, shall be kept to the minimum and persons handling shared equipment shall wear gloves.
Lapel mics shall be avoided and never shared while direct contact with diaphragm of the mics shall be avoided.
The new SOP, however, prohibits the entry of visitors or audience at shooting spots.
Use of Arogya setu app by people working in the film and television industry is also suggested in the SOP.
The Information and Broadcasting Minister said that all states will have to implement these SOPs.